Hello all --

I'm trying to upgrade my LTSP installation to LTSP 5 on Ubuntu Feisty
(7.04).  My thin clients are a mixture of LTSP Term 170e's from
www.disklessworkstation.com and old AMD K6 boxes with an EISA bus
containing NE2000 cards with EPROM's, also from www.disklessworkstation.com.

I'm coming from a very old version of LTSP (either LTSP 2 or LTSP 3, I
forget).  I followed the instructions at
<https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP/LTSPQuickInstall> which
basically said to do

apt-get install ltsp-server-standalone openssh-server

and then


That all went well, and the LTSP Term 170e's booted with no changes to
dhcpd.conf or lts.conf (Wow!)  But my old boxes with the EISA NE2000
cards got the following error.

loading /ltsp/i386/nbi.img...error: not a tagged image

Can I use my old boxes with LTSP 5?  If so, what changes to dhcpd.conf
do I need to make?

Thanks for your help.


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