Craig White wrote:
> I've tried both (not at the same time) and neither seem to have any
> impact on giving the hostname an entry when it this possibly
> a netboot iMac thing?

Well, not likely, because at the point where the name should be sent, 
the mac booting process is out of the way.

At this point, I'd try setting the use-host-decls option, and then use 
wireshark to watch the dhcp packets between the server and the client, 
to see if it includes the hostname.

I could take a look at the packet trace if you'd like.  here's what 
you'd need to run, to capture the packet stream:

     tcpdump -i eth0 -s0 -w /tmp/tcpdump.out port 67 or 68

Make sure you use the proper ethX interface.  Might be eth1 on your system.

Start that command running, try booting the client, then kill the 
tcpdump command and send me the /tmp/tcpdump.out file as an attachment.

Jim McQuillan

> Craig
> On Wed, 2007-09-19 at 15:42 -0400, Jim McQuillan wrote:
>> Craig,
>> You can either set 'get-lease-hostnames true;' in your dhcpd.conf file. 
>>   That will cause the dhcpd to find the hostname in the /etc/hosts or 
>> via dns.
>> OR, you can set 'use-host-decl-names on;' in dhcpd.conf, and then dhcpd 
>> will send the hostnames that you've specified in dhcpd.conf.
>> Don't set both options, cuz then it won't work.  And, if you don't set 
>> either option, dhcpd won't send a hostname to the client.
>> Jim McQuillan
>> Craig White wrote:
>>> On Wed, 2007-09-19 at 14:25 -0400, Michael Blinn wrote:
>>>> /tmp/hosts is built by rc.sysinit in /opt/ltsp/i386/etc -- /tmp/hosts is 
>>>> created at boot time and is relative to the thin client chroot.
>>> ----
>>> OK - that was big...I get it
>>> one more thing, I keep getting a blank hostname
>>> my dhcpd.conf for this client is...
>>>   host imac-linux-1 {
>>>     option vendor-class-identifier "AAPLBSDPC";
>>>     option vendor-encapsulated-options 01:01:02:08:04:01:00:00:01:82:
>>>       05:             # length
>>>       69:6d:61:63:34; # hostname
>>>       option option-128  e4:45:74:68:00:00;
>>>       option option-129  "NIC=ne IO=0x300";
>>> #     option option-129  "NFSOPTS=nolock,ro,wsize=2048,rsize=2048";
>>>       hardware ethernet 00:03:93:7f:5d:1a;
>>>       fixed-address;
>>>       option host-name "";
>>>       }
>>> which I would have expected it to get the hostname from option host-name
>>> but it doesn't and though I can manually set it, that ain't the same. I
>>> can see the code in rc.sysinit but I can't conceive of a method to alter
>>> what is in rc.sysinit and it should pretty much work as is if I can set
>>> the right option somewhere.

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