Lee Portnoff wrote:
> Is there a way to have terminals automatically logoff after a certain 
> amount of inactivity time? Searching archives, I saw someone suggest 
> logmon (www.logmon.com) Is there any other way to achieve this?

Here's a screen saver I wrote in perl to do this. It's probably badly
done, but it works. Set the screen saver timeout to whatever you want,
then this script will start and show a countdown for 10 seconds
($countdown - 1) before logout. It's written for xfce, so you'd need to
modify the "logout_command" for other environments.




use warnings;
use strict;

use Tk;
use Tk::Font;
use POSIX;

# globals

# will logout those in @affected_groups who are not also in
# @immune_groups, everyone else gets a clock

my @affected_groups = ( 'students' );
my @immune_groups = ( 'monitors', 'staff' );
my $countdown = 11;

my $username = getpwuid( $> );
my @logout_command = ( 'xfce4-session-logout' );
my $affected;
my $display_text;

my ($x_position, $y_position);
my $x_delta = 5;
my $y_delta = 5;
my $margin = 150;
my ($screen_x, $screen_y);
my $canvas;

sub update {
    if ($affected) {
        if ($countdown < 1) {
            system( @logout_command );
        $display_text = "Logout in\n$countdown\nseconds.";
    else {
        $display_text = strftime( "%A, %B %e, %Y - %l:%M:%S %P",
                                  localtime() );
    my ($new_x, $new_y);
    $new_x = $x_position + $x_delta;
    if ( ($new_x > $screen_x - $margin) or ($new_x < $margin) ) {
        $x_delta = - $x_delta;
        $new_x = $x_position;

    $new_y = $y_position + $y_delta;
    if ( ($new_y > $screen_y - $margin) or ($new_y < $margin) ) {
        $y_delta = - $y_delta;
        $new_y = $y_position;
    $x_position = $new_x;
    $y_position = $new_y;
    $canvas->coords( 'label', $x_position, $y_position );

sub user_in_group {
    my $group = shift;
    my $guid = getgrnam( $group ) or return;
    my @groups = split( ' ', `id -G` );
    if (grep {$_ == $guid} @groups) {
        return 1;
    else {
        return 0;

sub user_affected {
    my $affected = 0;
    for my $group (@affected_groups) {
        if (user_in_group( $group )) {
            $affected = 1;
    for my $group (@immune_groups) {
        if (user_in_group( $group )) {
            $affected = 0;
    return $affected;

# ---- Start ----

$affected = user_affected();

# setup window
my $main = MainWindow->new( -background => 'black' );
$main->overrideredirect( 1 );
$main->MoveToplevelWindow( 0, 0 );
$screen_x = $main->screenwidth;
$screen_y = $main->screenheight;

$x_position = $screen_x / 2;
$y_position = $screen_y / 2;

$main->geometry( $screen_x . 'x' . $screen_y );
$main->fontCreate( 'labelfont',
                   -size => 20,
                   -family => 'Times' );

$canvas = $main->Canvas( -height => $screen_y,
                         -width => $screen_x,
                         -borderwidth => 0 );
$canvas->pack( -expand => 1,
               -fill => 'both' );

$canvas->create( 'rectangle',
                 1, 1,
                 $main->screenwidth - 1,
                 $main->screenheight - 1,
                 -fill => 'black',
                 -outline => undef );

my $label = $main->Label( -textvariable => \$display_text,
                          -foreground => 'black',
                          -background => 'white',
                          -font => 'labelfont' );

my $canvas_label = $canvas->create( 'window',
                                    $x_position, $y_position,
                                    -window => $label,
                                    -tags => ['label']);

$main->repeat( 1000, \&update );



# ---- End ----

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