Angel Martin Alganza <> wrote on 02/26/2009 08:52:34 AM:

> Hello,
> On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 04:58:45PM -0500, Jim McQuillan wrote:
> > What we ended up with is a pretty complete Linux environment running on

> > a thin client, net-booted from a Linux server.  For the newer hardware
> > out there, based on the Via and Atom chipsets, it's pretty good.  users

> > get nearly the same desktop experience that other users get.
> That's a very good thing for users who want to have a desktop
> experience close or even equal to a full desktop one, of course.
> > But, as you pointed out in your email, it leaves behind the older
> > equipment that used to work pretty well with LTSP-4.2.  This is a
> > problem and unfortunately, I don't have a good solution for it.
> Not only the old equipment, but also new thin clients, beutifully
> build, as the Ebox 2300:
> Cheap, light, compact, *silent*. A lovely thin client, to my test. It
> has a 200 MHz Vortex86 processor and 128 MByte SDRAM.
> > We just didn't (and still don't) have the man-hours to continue
> > developing and supporting the old LTSP-4.x version and the LTSP-5 at
> > same time.
> Wouldn't it be possible (perhaps for a future release) to make LTSP
> able to use both, the host distro file system and a (some) different
> one(s) for more powerful and more modest thin clients, respectively?
> What I'm thinking is something similar to what OneSIS
> ( does, allowing diskless servers to
> run from a specific file system put together for such purpose.
> That's somehow similar to the LTSP 4.x whole idea, but using any file
> system build on the server to be used on the thin clients by any way
> (copying from a full installation, building it with debootstrap,
> "installing" it from a LiveCD, or whatever).
> Wouldn't it be great to use dual core boxes (if you happen to have
> any) running from the standard tree on your LTSP server, along with
> some PI or Ebox 2300 (or similar litle boxes) runing from something
> smaler (let say a Damn Small Linux or Puppy tree copied into a
> directory on your very same server?
> Am I just dreaming? :-)
> Cheers,
> Ángel

How difficult is it currently to run an x86_64 Server distribution and
32-bit clients?  Is this difference at all similar to what we would need to
consider for a lighter weight variety of a thin client image?  Just

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