Lars Madsen wrote:
> Lars Madsen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've finally managed to get LTSP 5 working with RHEL 5, by using an 
>> Ubuntu based client, and some extensive script modifications.
>> I still have a few problems though, that I hope you could help me fix.
>> (1) the mounted local devices appear twice on the server, once under 
>> /media/user/device and once under /tmp/.user/device, why? as far as I 
>> can see it comes from ltspfsmounter on the server
> the /tmp/.user apparently comes after the user logs out, and then in again
> looks like some cleanup that does not run correctly (may be another SSH 
> issue)

it is actually ltspfsmounter, in the mounts on RHEL 5.3 the ltspfs 
mounted devices does not show up as ltspfs at the start of the lines in 
/proc/mounts but rather as fuse so the matching in ltspfsmounter is 
wrong and things does not get cleaned up correctly.

does anyone know why those lines start with fuse and not ltspfs?

>> (2) RHEL 5.3 uses Gnome 2.16, it will automatically detect the two 
>> floppy mounts, place them on the desktop and in the "Places" menu, but 
>> USB and CDROM are not picked up. Any idea on how to fix this?
>> I've seen a patch for ltspfsmounter that will add the icons for USB ad 
>> CDROM, but it IS working correctly if I connect to an Ubuntu server 
>> instead of RHEL, and floppies only appears once on the desktop. Any idea 
>> what it is Gnome 2.16 is missing that the Gnome in Ubuntu 9.04 has such 
>> that the icons work.
>> (3) does anyone know whether it is possible to instruct SSH to NOT use 
>> the shell specified in the remote users passwd entry? Because otherwise 
>> I'll have to go through all ltsp shell scripts on the client to specify 
>> that it need to run bash.



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