We are using proxmox VE on our server for virtualisation, its free and its bare metal and rock solid. One VM is our ltsp and the other is our windows 2003 TS for the few windows applications and games the school needs. We have an 8 core dell with 24 gig and the main resource eater is windows if the kids play a educatonal game.


My 2 cents,


On 31 Jul 2009, at 11:05, Helmut Lichtenberg wrote:

Chris Roberts schrieb am 31. Jul 2009 um 10:32:21 CEST:
I have two such servers, with quadcore xeon 5320s and 4gb ram. I have added an additional cpu in both servers, but only because the cost of so doing is
trivial, I don't believe they are required.

This is a common problem to have only 'a certain feeling'.

Some months ago I started to install collectd on all servers. This is a nice tool, to see the real usage of resources like cpu, ram, swap, number of users,

The values can be stored centrally on one machine and you can have an overview
(via web interface) about the last hour/day/week/month/year.


Helmut Lichtenberg <helmut.lichtenb...@fli.bund.de> Tel.: 05034/871-128 Institut für Nutztiergenetik (FLI) 31535 Neustadt Germany

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