On Wed, 2010-01-13 at 16:04 +0800, james wrote:
> On Tuesday 12 January 2010 23:35:52 
> ltsp-discuss-requ...@lists.sourceforge.net 
> wrote:
> > > Is there a trick to getting the lts.conf parameters recognised.
> > 
> > This is a shot in the dark, but I had a similar problem, where the log
> > was showing EDID info with correct resolutions, but my thin client
> > refused to display on a certain monitor (the one we were using on all
> > the tc, naturally!). Even specifying correct v and h sync values in
> > lts.conf was not effective.
> > 
> > After examining the xorg log in the client shell for a bit I found
> > evidence of DRI errors and was eventually able to resolve the problem
> > by simply disabling DRI in lts.conf. No other display parameters were
> > necessary if I disabled DRI like this:
> > 
> > X_DEVICE_OPTION_01="\"DRI\" \"false\"
> Dave thanks for leading me in the right direction.
> Wow this is much dirtier than I ever dreamed, and in no way do I belittle the 
> work done by the ltsp-team.
> Any one who wants or needs to configure X should spelunk 
> /opt/ltsp/i386/usr/share/ltsp/screen-session.d
> For example X_MODE_0 will not have any effect unless XRANDR_DISABLE is set 
> true.

This is correct. If your driver does not support xrandr 1.2, then you
either need to disable the use of xrandr with XRANDR_DISABLE=True and
use X_MODE_0, OR you can try using XRANDR_SIZE_0="1280x1024".
XRANDR_SIZE is for drivers that support only older xrandr < 1.2.

The reason we moved to using xrandr by default to set the resolution is
because it is both more versatile and more graceful than forcing a
single X_MODE.  If you request a bad mode, it will still default to a
good mode and get you a login screen.  Also, the user can set his/her
preferred mode in the session through Preferences > Screen resolution
(as this works through xrandr) and get that mode upon login, whereas if
you force only one mode, the user has no choice.

That said, XRANDR_DISABLE was put in there for folks who choose to go
back to the old style of forcing only one mode for the Xserver.

> The documentation advises XRANDR_MODE_ instead, but that wont have any effect 
> unless X_VIRTUAL or X_VIRTUAL_AUTO are correctly set and then it sets the 
> virtual size not the monitor resolution.

     1. This is not true at all, you are not reading the code correctly.
        XRANDR_MODE_ will work even without X_VIRTUAL or X_VIRTUAL_AUTO
        (these are for multimonitor support).  If it does not work for
        you, it is some other configuration problem.  

> Finally even xorg does not play fair: after much looking I get ...
> r...@ws09:~# cat /var/run/ltsp-xorg.conf 
> Section "Screen"
>     Identifier "Screen0"
>     SubSection "Display"
>         Modes  "1280x1024" 
>     EndSubSection
> EndSection
> And still xorg configures 800x600 and Xorg.7.log does not show any great 
> problem

If you are still not getting the mode you are looking for, it is most
likely that your monitor does not report its sync frequencies.  Try:

X_HORZSYNC = "30-100"

If that does not work, post the log file. The log file tells all. 


> James.
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