Antoine Rodriguez wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm a beginner in LTSP.
> I'm using ubuntu 9.10 alternative with "LTSP Mode"
> Everything works fine but :
> How do I avoid having the server applications installed on my client
> chroot environment ?
> For instance :
> I install italc-master on my server and only italc-client in the chroot.
> When I connect with the thin client I have italc-master that show up on
> the gnome menu.
> How do I avoid this ? (even if this means more efforts to get it work)

It's confusing at first, but keep in mind that (unless you're using
local apps) all of the user's environment including applications, files,
and the menus are all on the server. When you login at a thin client
you're not logging in to the client itself, you're logging in to the
server through the client. Think of the client as just providing a
window to get to the server.

So, since you have italc-master installed on the server you will
naturally see it in the Gnome menu.


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