I haven't had any issues using fluxbox with LTSP5.  We've got it setup 
up with Debian Lenny at our office, and we're deploying it at a 
non-profit this week using Ubuntu 9.10.  I think the startup times are 
in the 5 - 10 second range, give or take.

Thanks for the startup file tip - I'll give that a try tomorrow.  I 
realized after I posted that the LDM K script would execute on the 
workstation and wouldn't be in a position to clean up the accounts.

-- Leon

Rob Owens wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 12:45:25PM -0700, Leon Hauck wrote:
>> We are getting ready to roll out an LTSP installation for use as 
>> internet/openoffice workstations at a local non-profit.  It will have 
>> both regular users and guest accounts.
>> We're just using Fluxbox (not Gnome) in case that matters.
>> The only thing I've got left to address is the cleanup of guest accounts 
>> after logoff.
>> I'm guessing an ldm K script would be in order.  I was wondering if 
>> anyone had an example they could share which would clean up anything 
>> they've created/downloaded into their guest home directory.
> Have you tried Fluxbox w/ LTSP?  I love Fluxbox, but it doesn't work
> well on my LTSP system (LTSP5 on Debian Lenny).  Its startup time is
> very slow.  
> If it works for you, great.  As for a cleanup script, you could call it
> in the .fluxbox/startup file.  Call it after the line that reads
> "fluxbox", and it'll run on logout.

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