Le mardi 11 mai 2010 21:06:39, Donny Brooks a écrit :
> I am looking at the feasibility of having a centralized LTSP server here at
> my work to serve all the end clients, in-house and remote. The reason I am
> wondering this is we have four remote sites. There are 2 close by and 2
> farther away. All four are on our network via either a point to point T1
> or netvpn DSL.
> The two remote sites use a T1 each to connect back to us. These 2 sites
> have 3 and 6 people at them. The one with 3 I am not too much worried
> about, but the other with 6 will be doing some CAD work and uploading
> photo's from digital cameras.
> The other two remote sites are local. However they only have a standard DSL
> connection rated at 1.5M down x 256k up I think. These two sites have
> about 5 users each. One of these sites has a person dedicated to scanning
> photos and move them to their in-house server for archiving.
> With this in mind, how likely does it sound that we could provide these
> remote users with thin clients and have them connect back to our main
> server farm? Has anyone setup a similar deal? Any pointers if we were to
> deploy this?

Why LTSP? looks like you need can be adressed with a shared directory (ftp, 
sshfs, etc.). 
If you want LTSP to ease the admin tasks, here's my own experience:
For a similar situation, I've duplicated the LTSP servers on remote sites 
using DRBL (http://drbl.sf.net). Each sites use its own LTSP server which is 
downloaded at boot time (same hardware, same setup). A shared directory is 
used between sites. But our network is different, I don't know if DRBL could 
work in your case.

xav...@alternatif.org - 09 54 06 16 26


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