
On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 05:46:19PM -0700, Vagrant Cascadian wrote:

> > - CD/DVD doesn't work at all (nothing happens on pluging
> >   drive/inserting media/removing/etc) ;
> i've had some weird issues with CD/DVD drives, but only on squeeze.
> seems like it will spuriously create CD insertion and removal events
> for no apparent reason...

So, upgrading to Squeeze to see if it works better isn't an option or
is it worth trying ? (It's just a matter of duplicating a VServer and
upgrading there, so it doesn't put the original at risk.)

> > - USB devices are mounted in /tmp/.<user>-ltspfs/<device> ;
> >   corresponding mountpoints are created in /media/USER/DEVICE ; but
> >   the bind to there is never done.
> > 
> >   (Note : devices are working normaly in /tmp though : I'm able to
> >   write/read files on them).
> that is odd... i haven't seen that behavior since debian etch...
Neither me ;)

But the cause of it isn't clear to me... AFAIU, the TC calls
ltspfsmounter on the server trough ssh, and this program is supposed
to do the mount with ltspfs and lbmount, but I can't figure exactly
the exacts interactions between the three...

If I issue a :

ltspfs /media/jfs/KINGSTON512/

on the server, it mounts correctly. So, I can't find where the problem

Is it a mean to log the operations somewhere ?

And is it somewhere a link to a detailed doc on the internals of
Localdev ?

> so i don't have a lot to say... my tests seem to work ok. *sigh*

Localdev is the only problem I have til now...

But to also be positive, ldm seems to be somewhat faster and
localapps, for the few I've seen so far (urxvt + local CD/DVD
burning), are great ! :-)

Thanks for the response,



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