On Thursday 13 January 2011 01:17:39 ltsp-discuss-
requ...@lists.sourceforge.net wrote:
> > Le dimanche 9 janvier 2011 15:38:11 Peter Scheie, vous avez ?crit :
> > > Perhaps I should clarify.  The setting is a classroom.  The thin
> > > clients are all all plug into a switch to which the LTSP server is
> > > also connected. The clients are separated from the rest of our network
> > > by the server, i.e., the server acts as the gateway relative to the
> > > clients (yes, I know the applications run on the server) Stock
> > > setup.  Sometimes people bring other computers into the classroom,
> > > e.g., a laptop running Windows.  They get an IP, DNS, and GW from the
> > > LTSP server's DHCP.  But any traffic from them has to go through the
> > > LTSP server obviously, which means some sort of forwarding or
> > > masquerading must be enabled on the server.  This is the part that
> > > isn't working.  So, it seems to me that something on the server needs
> > > to be changed so that it NATs/masquerades the traffic from those fat
> > > clients.  They are not running apps on the server, just using its DHCP
> > > services.
> >
> > 
> >
> > You need to enable ip forward. Add something like this in your
> > etc.
> Sorry you've already done that. I should read more carefully before
> answering.
> But as I've just done the same setup today in a classroom I suggest this:
> -  check your /etc/network/interfaces file: you should have setup 2
> network  interfaces, one for the ltsp network, the other for internet
> access. - I don't use dnsmasq, I've just setup my /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf
> with option domain-name-servers [my routter ip]
> option routers ["ltsp" interface on the server]
> hope this help

And of couse the server needs to have a route from network2 to network1 where 
2 is the classroom and 1 is the school network.

The server DHCP would tell everyone that the server is the gateway [which 
routes all traffic to the school network].

This is too open: I do this as an example:

Classroom network 192.168.1.xx
School network 10.5.5.xx

Either the school router is told to route 192.168.1.xx traffic via 
which talks via 192.168.1.server


server MASQs and all 192.168.1.xx traffic seems to come from 10.5.5.server

If your server is ubuntu then guidedog is a nice GUI app to setup it's masq. 
My clever but computer naive friend drives it just fine.

This is all messy and intricate but is not hard, a pen and paper and a cuppa 
show how

Phillip, I'll buy you a beer if I ever meet you :-)

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