You could try a different session from the default.  To do this,
choose "change session" (select session?  something like that) from
the menu lower left.  For example, try Ubuntu 2D or the failsafe
xterm.  Alternately, install and try xfce or lxde.  If none of those
will work, then the issue will be a bit harder to solve.  It might be
that the PIV's are trying to use Unity 3D and the PIII's are using 2D.
 If there are video issues, then 3D might not work.  I can't explain
why the two users are different, but they might have some slightly
different setting that cause the sessions to behave differently.

On Sat, Jan 14, 2012 at 9:03 AM, stefania zanette
<> wrote:
> Hey boys thank you very very much for your courtesy...
> In my opinion the problem is not video card or driver configuration because
> PIVs login without any problem to the first user called mario01 and to the
> administrator called mariofiore but they don't login with other users. On
> the contrary PIII login with all users.
> Could it be a problem of creation of users?
> I created users with LDAP Accaunt Manager....but mario01 and mariofiore have
> the same configuration of other users...
> other ideas?????
> Thank you everybody!!!
> Samuele
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:-) Lachele
Lachele Foley
Athens, GA USA

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