On 07/20/2012 04:30 PM, Alkis Georgopoulos wrote:
> Στις 20/07/2012 06:44 μμ, ο/η rob έγραψε:
>> Hello
>>     We use SCREEN_07=shell for cli / console use.
>>     However the fonts are tiny.    The console displays as a rectangle
>> taking up just 1/4 to 1/3 of the screen depending in the hardware.
>>     Any suggestions on what to try to increase the font?  We're looking to
>> emulate a 25 line by 80 character wide character terminal.
> `dpkg-reconfigure console-setup` in the chroot,
> and you might also need a `setupcon` call on some RC script if you see
> that it doesn't apply on boot, Ubuntu has had problems with that for
> years now.

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