Στις 13/05/2013 08:04 μμ, ο/η Thomas Boehm έγραψε:
> When a user logs in on a client, the login keyring does not get automatically
> unlocked.

Indeed, the LTSP display manager, LDM, doesn't have the ability to
unlock the login keyring like other display managers.

In LTSP 6, LDM is planned to be replaced by a pam module that will work
with any DM, so problems like the one you describe will be solved.

> I also tried 5.4.x from ppa.launchpad.net/ts.sch.gr/ppa/ubuntu, but
> can't get it to work at all. I might open a new thread for that...

Upgrading from LTSP 5.3 to 5.4 isn't automatic, it needs many manual
changes to the LTSP and NBD settings. So unless you're extremely
experienced with LTSP, don't use that PPA for LTSP upgrades, but only
for clean installations (and only if you really need LTSP 5.4 in 12.04).

One quick way to "upgrade" is to purge ltsp* and nbd-server, rm
/etc/ltsp* and /etc/nbd*, then add the PPA, and then install ltsp 5.4.

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