You should be able to install the ltsp packages easily. I put the ltsp-root, ltsp-loadbalancer and ltsp-cluster-control on one VM and run a number of application server VMs. Just make sure your application servers have the same configuration/packages once you start load balancing between them. You can pretty much follow the instructions for which packages to install on which server and just follow the instructions. Since you haven't already installed ltsp cluster packages, you are pretty much working from scratch, even with your existing server.

Do you mean clustering beyond the load balancing LTSP would provide? Clustering may require a lot of other work, including fencing and share disks to support fail-over scenarios and certainly doesn't make sense in an LTSP cluster.

Beyond load balancing

On 04/09/13 01:37 PM, Robert Lefebvre wrote:
We are currently running just one Edubuntu 12.04 server with a 6 core AMD processor and 32 GB of ram but I would like to add 1 or more other servers.

I've looked at the <> site and for other tutorials but they all sort of start "from scratch".

What I was wondering was if I can add the LTSP cluster suite (such as the load balancer,ltsp-cluster-agent,ltsp-cluster-control etc) to my current installation.

And along with that I am wondering whether two independent servers each with edubuntu 12.04 installed can be clustered to work together?


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