On Thu 19 Sep 2013 13:56:01 EST, Alkis Georgopoulos wrote:
> Στις 19/09/2013 04:55 πμ, ο/η Michael Pope έγραψε:
>> Is there a way to run thunderbird on the client in a sandbox so that it
>> doesn't crash my whole X session and throw the thin client off the
>> network? I've tried running through ssh -X but that crashed my thin
>> client also.
> How much RAM does the client have? Thunderbird, Firefox, LibreOffice etc
> might need e.g. 500 MB of *local* RAM for caching X pixmaps, even if
> they're running on the server...
> I.e. it sounds like an "out of local memory for X pixmaps" issue, so try
> setting
> NBD_SWAP=True in lts.conf, and
> SIZE=512 in /etc/ltsp/nbdswapd.conf.
> (verify that it works by issuing `free` locally on the client)

My client has 1024MB, I configured those files as per your instructions 
and it seemed to of helped at first, but then it froze the screen but 
did not throw me out of X. So I upped the NBD_SWAP to 1024, and now it 
works without a problem.

By the way the /etc/ltsp/nbdswapd.conf file didn't exist at all on my 
system is this normal?

Thanks for your help, it was bugging me a lot as I like a stable system 
and hate the 'reboot it' type of solution.


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