I have a question about LTSP in general.

How difficult is it to setup a large residential community with LTSP? Do 
I need to use a special Ethernet setup, or is 10G fiber fine?

I'm wondering if there's anything I should keep in mind when deploying 
to a large residential community.


* Residential community of 26 houses, total of 437 residents.
* Existing backbone of 40 GigE fiber, 1GigE copper LANs in each house.
* LTSP cluster is to be housed in a private containerized/modular datacenter
* VMWare for game logic and networking to centralize close to the Metro 
Ethernet broadband.
* Community-use thin clients are not decided yet.
* Ethernet wake-on-LAN NICs already issued
* Power-over-Ethernet is already used for security and building automation

Is there anything I missed? Any protips or advice?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time and patience.

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