Hey Asmo,

from epoptes, select the clients and run:
sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt
sudo mkdir -p /mnt/Boot/LTSP
sudo dd if=/dev/nbd0 of=/mnt/Boot/LTSP/i386.img; reboot

Then edit pxelinux.cfg/default so that it reads:
APPEND ro initrd=ltsp/i386/initrd.img init=/sbin/init-ltsp 
root=/dev/sda1 rootflags=ro loop=/Boot/LTSP/i386.img

That's the quick method that still uses PXE and loads the 
kernel+initramfs from the server, but doesn't use NBD at all.

It's also possible to install grub 2.0 locally and have it read the 
kernel+initrd from inside i386.img, but that's a longer how-to... :)


Στις 30/10/2013 12:21 μμ, ο/η asmo.koski...@arkki.info έγραψε:
>> There's also the possibility to copy the NBD image locally, if the
>> clients have a bit of local storage, so that the only network traffic to
>> the server is the SSHFS or NFS access to /home.
> I'm lazy, sorry. No googling around :)
> Is there any handy howto for that.
> Best Regards Asmo Koskinen.

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