Hi LTSP'ers!

I have i386 clients that need to run 10.04 due to no cmov support and all
is working relatively well, except that sometimes Unity plays up and does
strange things to the screen.

To run gnome-fallback-classic is probably the best solution, but LDM
doesn't seem to recognise any of the newer ones.  In the session list at
logon only "default" and "Xterm failsafe" as shown.

I have updated the chroot to the latest ldm as per
https://launchpad.net/~ltsp-upstream/+archive/daily based on a bug report
and subsequent fix here:

After updating the chroot and ensuring that ldm is the latest version is
per the site above, when I start my thin client I still don't get the
sessions in the chooser and neither is my ldm_session setting lts.conf

Does anyone have advice?

Roland Giesler
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