On 2014-08-12, richard kweskin wrote:
> Following the sucess with Jessie i386 I tried many of the same steps 
> with an installation already in use without ltsp.
> The steps:
> 1 install dnsmasq ltsp-server-standalone ltsp-client lxde

No need to install ltsp-client on the server unless you're going to use
ltsp-pnp (i.e. no ltsp-build-client, but building out of the server
install with "ltsp-update-image --cleanup /").

> 2 add loop to /etc/modules and reboot the server
> 3 ltsp-config dnsmasq and edit to comment out dhcp range line leaving 
> dhcp proxy since server has just one nic
> 4 service dnsmasq restart
> 5 edit /etc/ltsp/update-kernels.conf to have BOOT_METHODS=NBD, 
> ARCH="i386" and IPAPPEND=3 uncommented

You'd need to edit update-kernels.conf in the chroot, after

> 6 edit etc/ltsp/ltsp-server.conf to have ARCH="i386" and DIST="jessie"
> 7 edit /etc/ltsp/ltsp-build-client.conf to have ARCH="i386" and 
> DIST="jessie"
> 8 patched /usr/share/ltsp/update-kernels

You would need to patch update-kernels in the chroot, which would need
to happen after ltsp-build-client...

> 9 aptitude install pxelinux

You would need to install pxelinux in the chroot, which would need to
happen after ltsp-build-client...

> 10 aptitude update aptitude full-upgrade aptitude clean
> 11 ltsp-build-client-image (without parameters)


steps 5, 8 and 9, except in the chroot, followed by:

  ltsp-chroot --arch i386 /usr/share/ltsp/update-kernels

> 12 ltsp-update-image  (also without parameters)
> 13 ltsp-config nbd-server
> 14 service nbd-server restart


> As the server has the architecture amd64,
> /etc/dnsmasq.d/ltsp-server-dnsmasq.conf contains:
> dhcp-boot=net:pxe,/ltsp/amd64/pxelinux.0
> dhcp-boot=net:etherboot,/ltsp/amd64/nbi.img
> dhcp-boot=net:ltsp,/ltsp/amd64/lts.conf

You'll need to edit this to use i386, as well as the pxelinux entry
further down in ltsp-server-dnsmasq.conf.

> I didn't touch it but it expects pxelinux.0 to be in 
> /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/amd64/ but it isn't there.
> Neither is it in /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/

That's because of the above mentioned issues- you edited the server's
files, not the chroot's files.

If your server was also an i386 install, you could do this using the
ltsp-pnp method, and it would be a little simpler.

live well,

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