
I have been following UbuntuLTSP/RaspBerryPi guide (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP/RaspberryPi) successfully since 15.04 but in 16.04 it appears to fail and I am left with a blank / frozen screen at bootup on the RaspBerry. I have the same result whether I use Xubuntu or Ubuntu Mate, which as I mentioned worked previously (I also got Lubuntu and Edubuntu to work previously).

While monitoring the setup process during the stage "Build A Thin Chroot" (executing the command ltsp-build-client --arch armhf --config /etc/ltsp/ltsp-build-client-raspi2.conf), I got the following warning:
update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-4.4.0-1017-raspi2
warning: root device does not exist
unable to abort; system will probably be broken!

I have not seen any other obvious errors and I am able to complete the remaining steps of the guide, but the RaspBerry fails to boot. However I have found that if I replace the current vmlinuz and initrd.img created from this process, with copies created from a previous working version of Ubuntu following this guide, the RaspBerry boots fine and I am able to access the login screen of the Xubuntu Host (one caveat is that I must comment out the line KERNEL_DEVICE=/dev/mmcblk0p1 in the LTS.conf file to stop these older files being replaced on the SD with the current copies).

A quick search on Google reveals at least one other user has had a similar warning and is currently looking for a fix which leads me to believe it is not a problem confined to my particular setup so please can anyone help?




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