W dniu 06.02.2017 o 16:07, James McQuillan pisze:
> I just noticed the http://www.ltsp.org server wasn't responding so I
> restarted it.
> It's back online now.
> That's just a small part of the problem.
> Back when I was actively running the project, I think we had a pretty
> good website.  It was based on twiki and was really easy for anyone to
> edit.  Lots of people contributed articles about various aspects of
> LTSP.  I worked pretty hard on keeping things organized and I think
> the site served the community pretty well.
> I really want to make the LTSP.org website better.   I don't know if
> that means throwing everything out and starting over or just tweaking
> what we already have.
I can help - I have just tested that ltsp.org is mobile friendly - that
is main point for today's world. So I think We can stay with this page
and only tweak it - if it is posiible and we need it.

What can I do more?


I'm  using xUbuntu 16.04 LTS with LTSP-PNP

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