W dniu 06.02.2017 o 17:44, David Groos pisze:
> Cool.
> I suggest we use iframes instead of just links to pages that are
> maintained on other sites like the already mentioned DebianEdu or
> help.ubuntu.com <http://help.ubuntu.com>.
No - we cant. Google quickly drop us down on the list if we will use iframe.
We have to find another way.
Davis - do you use FBook or IRC ?
My FB: https://www.facebook.com/adam.jurkiewicz.superbelferRP
or maybe we can talk on irc? #ABIX on Freenode
I'm very busy for next 3 hours, but later I have time. My TZ is UTC+1
Europe/Warsaw, I will be avaible still for 4 hours.


I'm  using xUbuntu 16.04 LTS with LTSP-PNP

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