On Sat, Sep 10, 2011 at 2:47 PM, David Manura <dm....@math2.org> wrote:
>  lua -lrock=md5-1.1.1-1.win32-x86.rock -e 'local md5 = require "md5";
>      print(md5.sumhexa("123")) '

Please note that rocks used in this way may, like jars, want to bundle
all of their dependencies.  So, you may have a "kepler" rock, which
will contain all of the Kepler modules and their dependencies in one
convenient file.  (Likewise, the "batteries" meta-package from LuaDist
may be nice to distribute as one file.)  Such a change will need to
break the one-to-one relationship between rocks and packages (i.e. it
would become one-to-many).

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