
I want to update the luarock for luaposix, which now has a GNU
autotools-based build system. This should be pretty simple, I think,
but I would like some guidance in case I'm trying to do it the wrong

It would be nice to add a new build type in the end, but since it
should be pretty simple to do it with a command build, I thought I'd
try that first.

The build stanza of my rockspec so far looks like this:

build = {
 type = "command",
 build_command = "CPPFLAGS=-I??? ./configure --prefix=???
--libdir=??? --datadir=??? --with-lua-suffix=???",
 install_command = "make install"

As far as I can see, all I need to do is fill in some values in the
spaces marked "???". I should be able to get most of them from
LuaRocks. I can't however find any description in the LuaRocks docs (I
like the sound of that, "luaroxdox"!) of how to query LuaRocks for the
necessary information. GNU autotools build systems need to know where
the program will be installed, and this is the information that will
be fed to --prefix, --libdir and --datadir.

Can I just use e.g. luarocks.path.bin_dir() in my rockspec to get this
information? How? I don't see any examples...

Finally, the standard autoconf macro for dealing with Lua takes an
argument --with-lua-suffix that copes with the common situation in
which the Lua interpreter and libraries have a version suffix, e.g.
lua5.1 and liblua5.1.so. I am unclear on where this information is
stored in LuaRocks (I don't seem to see any mention of it in my
LuaRocks configuration).

I'd be most grateful for help with this, as I'm sure it's not
complicated, but could save me a lot of time digging through LuaRocks


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