On 12 November 2013 13:06, Justin Cormack <jus...@specialbusservice.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 12, 2013 at 12:53 PM, Hisham <h...@hisham.hm> wrote:
>> But AFAIK luaffi is not 100% compatible with the LuaJIT FFI, nor the
>> other way around (as I understand there's a compatible subset but
>> neither API fully covers the other one)... am I correct? In that case
>> providing a generic "ffi" virtual dependency is probably asking for
>> later trouble...
> Its getting better since I have started fixing it (in other words it
> runs my code now!), but no thats why I think you need alternate deps,
> "luaffi or ffi", "bit or bit32". So reall ffi is only provided by
> luajit (but bit is also provided by bitop). When they are identical
> they can provide the same dependency.

We'll get alternate dependencies eventually, but that's an
incompatible change to the format so we can't just add it in a minor
release. I was thinking of what we can do for existing LR versions.
Lua Workshop will be a great time to brainstorm the necessary changes.

-- Hisham

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