On 9 June 2014 15:04, RJP Computing <rjpcomput...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Hisham,
> On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 12:50 PM, Hisham <h...@hisham.hm> wrote:
>> > [snip]
>> >
>> > This fixes it. Can this be fixed in the repository? I am using luarocks
>> > to
>> > dploy to many computers so I don't want to update the makefile each
>> > time.
>> > plus this is just broken for all users.
>> As far as I can tell, LuaZip is an orphaned project. The latest
>> release from Kepler is from 2007. The code seems stable, so taking
>> over maintenence seems a low-overhead activity, but I don't wish to
>> maintain it myself.
>> There's a git-conversion of the CVS from LuaForge at:
>> https://github.com/luaforge/luazip
>> Ryan, if you wish to fork this, commit the changes and tag a new
>> release, I can help you out with the rockspec.
> Thanks for the help.
> I have forked it
> https://github.com/rjpcomputing/luazip
> I committed the changes and updated the version number where I found it
> (docs, _VERSION, etc)
> I tagged the release as 'v1_2_4' keeping with the other releases.
> --
> Regards,
> Ryan
> P.S. I am not really signing up to maintain this module am I? I really don't
> use the functionality much so I am not familiar with the code, but I have no
> issue with this simple change.

Well, not any more than the previous developers who are MIA, anyway. :)

I thought it would be best if the code lives in your repository since
you're at least using it, so if any other issues like this one comes
up (ie, something in the ecosystem breaks the build again), you're
likely to notice it first and then it's easiest for you to tweak and
push an update.

I predict this will sit at version 1.2.4 for years to come, though!
(It's been sitting idle since 2007 after all!)

> P.P.S. I do have another library I would like to get a rockspec made for, so
> I would like to see how you make this new rockspec so I can copy it. (Use
> the best practices cause I am going to do it like you. ;) But it is a Lua
> only library, so mo make file or "building" required.)

Here, I submitted a pull request:


The next step then is to submit the rock at
http://rocks.moonscript.org — if you're using LuaRocks 2.2.0beta1 you
can even try `luarocks upload luazip-1.2.4-1.rockspec` :)

To make a Lua-only module, just replace the table from the
build.modules.foo with a simple string with the file path, like this:

build = {
   type = "builtin",
   modules = {
      foo = "src/foo.lua",
      ["foo.bar"] = "src/foo/bar.lua",

and you can of delete the external_dependencies section. If you're
depending on other rocks, add them to the dependencies section, like

dependencies = {
   "lua >= 5.1",
   "lpeg >= 0.12",

-- Hisham

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