On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 06:35:26AM +0100, Paul Isambert wrote:
> Patrick Gundlach <patr...@gundla.ch> a écrit:
> > 
> > Hello,
> > 
> > ( tex.linebreak())
> > 
> > in tex.linebreak() I can give "parameters". How is the parshape table 
> > suppose to look like? Is it a table of 
> > 
> > { n, <glue_spec>,<glue_spec>, .. 2n <glue_spec> items}
> > ?
> > 
> > Or what do I need to fill in?
> I'd say, hmmmm, something like tex.parshape? :)
> I.e., following Ingo's notation from the TeXbook:

User-Agent: Homemade email client working with Vim, still alpha and not public.

well done!

> tex.parshape = {
>   {<i1>, <l1>},
>   {<i2>, <l2>},
>   ...
>   {<in>, <ln>}
>   }
> As usual, all the values are given in scaled points.

I just wonder after this discussion, why even simple and solved things
have to become more complex, when redesigning as in luatex.

i don't do signatures

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