On 2012-02-28 at 07:29:01 +0100, Patrick Gundlach wrote:

 > >> tex.parshape = {
 > >>  {<i1>, <l1>},
 > >>  {<i2>, <l2>},
 > >>  ...
 > >>  {<in>, <ln>}
 > >>  }
 > >> 
 > >> As usual, all the values are given in scaled points.
 > > 
 > > I just wonder after this discussion, why even simple and solved things
 > > have to become more complex, when redesigning as in luatex.
 > you mean more complex than
 > parshape =  n, i_0, l_0, ... , i_n, l_n ?

I'm not sure either what Ingo meant.  But the first parameter (n) in
\parshape is needed by TeX's parser in order determine the number of
arguments.  In Lua it's not needed and should be avoided.

I like Paul's proposal very much.  It's exactly what Lua programmers


Reinhard Kotucha                                      Phone: +49-511-3373112
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