> Le 9 mars 2017 à 02:22, Reinhard Kotucha <reinhard.kotu...@web.de> a écrit : > > It should be sufficient to put a texmf.cnf file into ~/.texlive2016/bin > which only contains one line: > > TEXMROOT = /usr/local/texlive/2016
Thanks, that is brilliant! Will make testing much easier. Would something also need to be done for texmf-local, like TEXMFLOCAL = /usr/local/texlive/texmf-local (to replace $SELFAUTOGRANDPARENT)? Looking closer through the default texmf.cnf, there's also TEXMFCNF which uses $SELFAUTOLOC, $SELFAUTODIR, $SELFAUTOPARENT and $SELFAUTOGRANDPARENT, but if I understand correctly this is precisely where the location of texmf.cnf files is defined, with $SELFAUTOLOC the location of the currently used binary (ie luatex), right? Bruno