> On Oct 10, 2017, at 3:32 PM, Carl-Henrik Buschmann <chbuschm...@mac.com> 
> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I’m coming from this tex.stackexchange talk. 
> Summarized:
>> Trying to recompile my old master thesis which under TeX Live 2015 and 2016 
>> compiled just fine (I have a new computer that doesn't have said versions) 
>> but under TeX Live 2017 grinds to a halt. 
>> The compiler stops at:
>> $[][]$\TU/TeXGyreHeros(0)/m/n/8 From Weitz-mann via
>> and I have no idea why. I cannot see anything out of the ordinary in the 
>> code and as far as I know other latex stuff compiles just fine under my 
>> current setup. 
>> Any idea what to look for?
>> The whole log can be found here.
>> I'm using the tufte-latex book class via lualatex and biblatex.
> I’ve attached a sort of MWE. The problem is at line 177. With it in I get 
> Segmentation fault: 11. If I remove this line the document complies just 
> fine. Any idea what’s going on?
> <segment test.tex>


There are missing files so I can't compile this document. However the error 
message you give,

$[][]$\TU/TeXGyreHeros(0)/m/n/8 From Weitz-mann via

can't be from this document since I can't find the name Weitzmann anywhere in 
what you supply.

Good Luck,

Herb Schulz
(herbs at wideopenwest dot com)

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