Am Wed, 11 Oct 2017 10:21:21 +0200 schrieb luigi scarso:

> must be something related to luaotfload.sty,
> because
> $>mtxrun --script plain segp.tex
> is ok
> Also context is ok

Looks so. But it is quite unclear what in luaotfload is the problem.
I tried with a dev-luatex and the newest reference fontloader from
context and still get the crash. 

Perhaps it is not so much luaotfload doing something wrong but
context adding some code that avoids the problem. 

In any case: it is related to kern and the hyphen/font switch. The
following only doesn't crash if one change for font \i +kern to
-kern. Also it seems to be related to otf-fonts, at least I couldn't
find a ttf that breaks -- but this could be by accident.

\input luaotfload.sty 

\font \i   = {name:texgyreheros:mode=base;+kern;}  at 10pt

\font \r   = {name:texgyreheros:mode=base;-kern;}  at 12pt

aaa-{\i iiii xrmoi} 


Ulrike Fischer

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