Am 29.07.2018 um 17:59 schrieb
a) Ok good to know that explains the compiling problems fundamentally.
If the manual were a lyluatex file it would have been one of the greatest tutorials right there.
What I tried to compile is the manual in the zip download here
Which seemed to be theĀ  lyluatex code, but I am seemingly mistaken.

No, you're not mistaken. I wasn't aware of the fact that the script preparing the CTAN upload actually produced that lyluatex.tex file.

b) Ok

c) Ok I saw that, but where that was mentioned there was no direct compile instruction. The option --shell-escape was mentioned in the body text and there was no direct compile command.
"lualatex --shell-escape somefile.tex"
were in the instructions I did not have to ask this question, but it is absent.
Would be a good idea to add that.

I'll try to keep that in mind. It would be great if you could open an issue on the Github issue tracker at about it.

1) Since I cannot compile the manual and use that to learn lyluatex, (my preferred latex way to learn is just to work through the code compiling the manual. (Last 20+ more years taught me that is by far the best way.)
Is there an indepth lyluatex manual that is compilable with luatex ?

This .tex file *is* compilable with lualatex (not luatex!).
Please first try the other things I told you about, and if that doesn't work please post more details about the errors. But this is not a luatex issue, so this list may not be right place to discuss. Please either subscribe to the lilypond-user mailing list or open an issue on the issue tracker.

2) Is there an archive with lots of lyluatex document examples combining both text and musical notaion in the document ?

lyluatex is actually brand new, so there is no such archive (yet).



On 2018-07-29 11:22, Urs Liska wrote:
Am 29.07.2018 um 16:31 schrieb
I installed lyluatex by means of texlive-luatex.

I then tried to compile the manual (lyluatex.tex) in the luatex download zip archive as a test.

$] latex lyluatex.tex

It exits with errors.

Obviously then the compiler is not LaTeX.

There are several issues here:

The manual is not written in a lyluatex.tex file but in,
which has to be processed with Pandoc. Also the Zip download from
Github doesn't contain such a file, so I don't know what you actually
tried to compile.

The manual is thorough but I cannot find a single instance of how to compile a lyluatex file.
I must have overlooked it but just cannot find it.

lyluatex relies (as the name suggests) on LuaLaTeX, so the basic
command has to be lualatex, not latex.

This is stated in the first "Note:" section of the "Usage" section. In
a slightly more informal way it is also stated in the first paragraph
of the introduction.

As lyluatex invokes LilyPond it needs the privilege to do so. This is
done by the command line option --shell-escape.
This is described in some detail in the third "NOTE:" section of said
"Usage" section

So what is the mysterious compile command ?

lualatex --shell-escape somefile.tex


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