I hope there isn't any Road Runner informants listening.  ^_^  I have a
netgear RT314.  It is a 4 port gateway router.
I can SSH into my Linux machine and telnet back into the router.  I can
check logs on the router, spoof a mac on the lan, forward ports, set rules,
watch traffic, and blah blah.  It's fairly cheap ($90-$115) and you can do
quite a bit with it.  
CON: It's manual is big and I don't want to spend my time learning advanced
command line functions for a home gateway router.  I think I would be allot
happier with a free Linux router.  Cody   

-----Original Message-----
From: Dan George [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 22, 2002 8:12 PM
Subject: [luau] Configuring Router

 How many use RR and have a router (Linksys) or do you use a computer
as a router?  What are the pros and cons.

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