MonMotha wrote:
> I use a computer as my router :)
> I think various other people probably know why :)
> Basically, there's a lot of stuff I can do with a linux box I just can't
> do on a cheap linksys router.  Heck, there's stuff I can do with a Linux
> box that I can't do with an expensive Cisco...
> --MonMotha
> Dan George wrote:
> >  How many use RR and have a router (Linksys) or do you use a computer
> > as a router?  What are the pros and cons.
> >

We use Linux boxes for routers here too as well as at our sattelite
Ours are very solid. Cost is nearly nothing. Some time to make the box
with a 486 board and program the firewall or disc that you use. 

Like the Mon says. We like 'em.

Aloha! Al Plant - Webmaster
Providing FAST DSL Service for $28.00 /mo. Member Small Business Hawaii.
Running FreeBSD 4.5 UNIX & Caldera Linux 2.4 & RedHat 7.2
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