One thing is Windows is overpriced for what you get.
Windows is not as configurable as Linux or opensource.
Bill Gates is a Pirate.  First stealing from Steve Jobs then telling everyone
else not to steal from him.
When Paladium comes out, you wont be asking that question again.
You will just wonder why it took you so long to convert.
Why do I get over 80% of my calls from people complaining about windows.
And why are 100% of those BTOs we sell with Linux arent complaining at
all.  Try the fact that over 62% of those who converted to Linux are saving
$$$ within the first couple months.  They want to kick themselves.
I called one customer (followup call) to see how his Linux box was working.
He told me he was configuring his kernel and call him back in about 6mths
because he wanted to do so much now in customizing his system.  He said
the changes are going to save him $$$ in fees and its fun!!

On Saturday 26 January 2002 19:14, you wrote:
> Sup guys,
> I'm a heavy Windows user, and a Linux newbie.
> Why are open-source gurus so adamant towards Microsoft? <my opinion
> after surfing around numerous open-source communities.
> Is it because they don't give their software away for free?
> I know Linux dudes say it sucks but why? What makes it better?
> I'm not trying to cause a fight with you guys, I like my Red Hat, just
> wanted to hear some opinions.
> Thanks.
> Randall Oshita

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