On Saturday 26 January 2002 19:14, someone wrote:
> Sup guys,
> I'm a heavy Windows user, and a Linux newbie.
> Why are open-source gurus so adamant towards Microsoft?

1) Microsoft has done some genuinely arrogant stuff. (netscape & java come immediately to mind.) They only really like standards that they control. M$ is a really big boat and leaves a big wake, kinda makes it hard on the little skiffs trying not to capsize. Can you blame them for griping? Wherever we want to go today, M$ seems to be in the way. 2) Class war-fare: IT managers made windows a success, not the techies, who always preferred unix or maybe even mac (though ATT & Apple have their problems too). Linux is the techies' revenge. 3) Everyone loves to knock the top dog - we used to hate IBM when they looked unbeatable, now I can't remember why, except they had an incredibly strict dress code and a snotty attitude. For all I know they still do, but no one bothers to hate them any more.

I've always tried to resist all this, since its kind of a waste of time and why complain about the systems that other people want to use? With windows 2000 they actually came up with something worth using, though it is not perfect. Having made that mistake, they couldn't resist coming out with XP and all its little sneaky arrogant bits. They call this an *up*grade?


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