On Sat, Jul 27, 2002 at 12:32:51AM -1000, Warren Togami wrote:
> On Fri, 2002-07-26 at 23:51, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > 
> > By the way (sorry this IS the last comment), Redhat's administrative 
> > tools are a bit confusing, but I believe that new sys admins should 
> > learn to do everything from commandline.  Someday your system will mess 
> > up, and you will have to boot into single user mode without any graphic 
> > interface to work with.
> > 
> > -dan
> I am in total agreement.  I actually want BOTH the easy GUI method and
> the old command line way of configuring everything.  This gives you
> power, because you can use either method that you prefer with equal
> results.  Makes everyone happy.

I agree, sort of.  I'm all for automation, but only once you understand
what the heck you're automating.  It's more work/learning now, but a
lot less trouble in the long run.  Once you start relying on the 
slick GUI tools with checkboxes and menus, you start getting that
"magic box" and all your problems go from minor annoyances that need
fixing to mysterious glitches.  May as well have a Windows box at
that point.

Once you notice a standard, repetetive procedure that you're doing
by hand, that works, that becomes a candidate for automation.

Sure, a newbie needs something to look at right away, or he's not
going to stay with *nix.  Avoid the magic box scenario, though.
Especially avoid the "something's not right, lets restore backups"
mentality.  Sounds like a MS tech support line.  "Just reinstall
windows and see if the problem goes away."

Carl Tucker

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