At 03:50 PM 7/28/2002 -1000, Eric Hattemer wrote:
kpackage (which I
really liked, but Warren had some kind of problem with), mysteriously
disappeared in the newest versions of redhat.

I just installed 7.3 and I got it. I don't know where to find it on a menu, but you don't need to. If you use konqueror to click on an rpm it opens kpackage automatically. Mozilla doesn't do so automatically, but I bet you could reconfigure it to. But then you'd have to figure out where it is. Oh well, even *I* can run locate.

And my last take on the CLI vs. GUI religious thing - there are still some people who like assembly language (or raw machine code if assembly is too tame for you). And they are smart people. That doesn't mean we should follow their lead. There are increasingly rare times when you need to do something the old way. But few of us will be sorry to see it go, once something really decent takes its place. (Soon, I hope.) Apple didn't get it right at first, and MS took about ten years to get it pretty close to good, so I guess it's not too embarrassing that a volunteer project is a little slow.

Deluded Dave

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