On Fri, 2002-08-09 at 16:19, Vikram Khurana wrote:
> Aloha,
> I have installed Oracle Pro C/C++ 8.1.7 on RH 7.3. However I cannot
> compile even sample programs that come with the download.
> My pcscfg.cfg file in $ORACLE_HOME/precomp/admin/pcscfg.cfg
> looks as follows:

I believe none of us have the expertise to be able to help you here, so
this may be a good question for the LinuxManagers mailing list.


Before posting anything to LinuxManagers, make sure you read the list
policy.  This list is very different from other lists in that it is NOT
a discussion list.  You must follow a certain format when asking
questions, and replies go directly to the poster and not the list. 
After your question has been answered you post a "summary" saying what
helped.  If nothing helped, you can post a clarification of your
question including suggestions that didn't help.

If you decide to post to LinuxManagers, READ THEIR LIST POLICY, and I
also recommend following ESR' guide on asking questions in order to
increase your likelihood of a good answer.


I once posted a difficult question to LinuxManagers, and within minutes
received some good responses from some guy at Oracle, Intel and IBM. 
Your results may vary.

I'd personally be interested in hearing what it is that fixes your
problem after it is solved.

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