You were right about my gcc not being liked by the Oracle compiler. I 
found out that the compiler is only compatible with gcc 2.95 & my RH 7.3

install came with gcc 2.96
So I copied the gcc 2.95.3 files from another RH computer and put them 
under /usr/local/ on my computer. I also put the 
/usr/local/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-linux-gnu/2.95.3 path in PATH. However 
now I get an error

ld: cannot open crtbeginS.o: No such file or directory

crtbeginS.o does exist in the 
/usr/local/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-linux-gnu/2.95.3 directory so why the 
hell does it not find it??

Also the locate command cannot seem to find any of the gcc files that I 
copied from the other RH computer

I'm drowning in gcc hell. Can somebody please tell me what I need to do 
to get past this problem?
I did also try to put /usr/local/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-linux-gnu/2.95.3 in

LD_LIBRARY_PATH without any luck

MonMotha wrote:

> Ray Strode wrote:
>>> I have installed Oracle Pro C/C++ 8.1.7 on RH 7.3. However I cannot
>>> compile even sample programs that come with the download.
>> I've never used or even heard of that particular compiler, but it's 
>> conceivable to me that it
>> isn't compatible with gcc's header files.  If the full install of the

>> compiler is local to
>> $ORACLE_HOME, I would change sys_include to only include that 
>> directory and not
>> any of the gcc ones.  Another option might be to remove gcc from your

>> system completely.
> ....
> I agree this is quite possible.  There are a lot of "gccisms" in use 
> out there (especially in other GNU projects like glibc; the kernel 
> also seems rather fond of them).  It's quite possible that the oracle 
> compiler doesn't like your GNU headers.  This would be consistent with

> the syntax errors you're seeing.
> --MonMotha
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