Perhaps a better question that should have been posted is, Does anyone know how to make "presentation quality" HTML files, i.e., to prepare a HTML file that can be used in presentations?

PowerPoint has a lot of limitations. (You can see that, b/c Microsoft has no competition, it really slacks further development effort. This is the weakness of a monopolistic monster.) However, this is not my point.

Ideally, I would like to use my Linux notebook during my talk. However, it may not work (and in all my cases, has not worked) with the projector provided by the host. (b/f I go further, does anyone know how to solve this problem?)

Unless I am willing to do a dual-boot, in which case I can use WordPerfect's Presentation which actually does a better job than PowerPoint, I must give the file which contains my talk to the host, and let them run the show for me. An HTML file is probably the only option, if I don't (and I won't) yield to their request of giving them a PowerPoint file.

Don't know whether my above thoughts made any sense. But basically, I want to create an HTML file, with which I can control/confine each "slide" within a screen, use the page-down key to move from one slide/screen to the next, and quickly jump from one slide/screen to another. Is this possible?

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