> PowerPoint has a lot of limitations.  (You can see that, b/c Microsoft
> has no competition, it really slacks further development effort.  This
> is the weakness of a monopolistic monster.)  

True. What is also true is that a BIG company will have more resources
and the 'monies' to fund R&D far more than what a small company can do.
Hence, you can get a better product - ever took a business class? Big
companies (presently) will not make a product and not develop it further
- just because there is no competition.  There is the consumer that they
need to sell it too, they will develop it further if no one buys their
stuff or there are tools that need to be added. You never seen products
that didn't need much development because they already suited the need??

Common man, this kind of attitude is what really screws businesses up.
MS a monopoly boohoo, dude without MS you would never be running that
1GHZ system! You will never have seen the hardware/application tech
explosion you see currently! While I agree with Warren that they do have
about it! MS lets ppl complete their jobs by allowing thousands of
apps/hardware to be created and utilized. Linux is soo way behind (while
linux gurus are slowly developing a better apps etc.. you got guys on MS
that are mastering the app's skills they need to do their job) Yes Linux
may be a better built OS but MS is a much better USED OS; to regular
users not gurus like MonMotha perhaps.

People who need to get things done use MS. Live in New York for awhile,
technology is a tool to get businesses running. Linux rocks and so does


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