On 9/6/2002 12:29 MonMotha wrote:

> Jim McQueeney wrote:
> ....
>> I always check signatures, by the way...
> Who gave you my public key?  It shouldn't be on the keyservers...
> --MonMotha

No one gave me your public key, and you're correct, it doesn't appear to
be on the key servers. However, checking a signature doesn't imply that
the check is *always* sucessful. In your case it wasn't because I lacked
your public key...

*Jim McQueeney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ***
** PGP/GPG ** RSA: 0x45A3FB5D *****
**** Keys *** DH.: 0xA82248FD *****
************* DH.: 0x41B6F689 *****

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