Warren Togami wrote:

Do you folks have a key with Verisign, or do you run your own CA?  I was
thinking about UH running a CA, free for Hawaii non-profit folks. Anyone else interested in this?

I've long thought there needs to be some standard "CA" private key that's publicly available for people to sign their SSL keys with that would be "Encrypted, but host authenticity not guaranteed" without the incessent nagging of the browser (basically, a one time thing when entering SSL mode). Of course IE would probably blow it out of proportion just as much as they do the self signed certs in order to keep the Verisign cartel going.

BTW, I think this thing would make a great wiki. I personally am not very good with mail stuff, especially configuring MTAs (yes, I know I don't technically need one for something like this...), so any help I could get would be useful.


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