vanilla imap is an insecure protocol, unless you only run it in secure
mode (imaps, port
993).  If anyone sniffs your regular unencrypted imap
traffic they will not only be able to
intercept your email, but possibly
to login to your account

Don't forget about POP,
it is no more secure/insecure then IMAP.  Both will pass the plain text
password and plain textemail.  If your already using POP and not concerned 
about it, using IMAP
is not going to be lesssecure.  Same with ftp and telnet.  Like Eric said, 
using IMAP with SSH is
a very good idea if youare able to.

Good example with the SquirrelMail also.  My web server is a private IP so to
access it from the outside, I tunnel my localhost:80 over SSH to my web
server.  Using IMAP andSSH is like an information swiss army knife.

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