It's not trolling, because I happen to like Jimen and it certainly shouldn't be considered "trolling" to express admiration for another member of the group, particularly in the context of what has been going on, and what was said previously.  Even the proposed policy language contained a passage on "black listing" as it was proposed.  Honestly, I have been treated very abrasively on more than one occasion by a certain single individual, and I don't appreciate it in the least.  In all honestly  your post is slightly inflaming as you subtly accuse me of trolling which is indeed false.  So I would ask you, does your post promote harmony? Does it show respect? Is it related to group policy in terms of establishing positive goals and outcomes?  These are sincere thoughts and questions, it is not posted in the spirit of "trolling."  Since certain members were starting up their own "bad guy" list, I thought it might be appropriate to start my own "good guy" list.  At least mine is positive in spirit, while the other is negative in attitude.

Autumn wrote:
From: Joe Linux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Jimen is on my "good guy" list.


Common sense and the adage "Least said, soonest mended." tell me I should keep quiet on this one, however, I think I have a worthy question: How is this one line post/comment *not* that of a troll?

If you are not civil, you only prove your detractor's point.

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