This is now a very tired subject for me. I could be speaking for others. The quote from this poster to whom you have responded is very appropriate: "Least said, soonest mended." It is advice worth following. I have proposed that we don't address personal issues with other members. You seem to agree, yet want it to be worded more strongly, then violate the very policy you seem to agree should be implemented. I know that you are just responding to others, but, why? You will not positively influence the opinions of anyone with this. All who read the list know that a "certain member" has offended you and vice versa. This is now the past. Rehashing it only keeps this trivial issue ongoing. I see it as closed. It is, as you agree, not appropriate to address personal issues in these posts, so let us stop. There is no need to explain your side; it is most clear. If others say something wrong or provoking to you on this matter, please just let it go. We will see the inappropriateness of it and will judge the poster accordingly. There is so much more to be done with our time than this.


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