Randall Oshita wrote:
Where can I check in 7.3 to see if its using HT?

If your hardware and kernel properly supports hyperthreading, then you would actually see what appears like multiple processors in "top" and other system monitors, but it is actually your one Pentium4 or Xeon processor.

Now that I think about it, Red Hat 7.x after all updates uses the same kernel as Red Hat 8.0, a heavily patched 2.4.18, so even older 7.x releases can run hyperthreading now. Only difference with the 7.x kernel is that they are compiled with the old gcc 2.96 instead of gcc 3.2.

But anyway, in most cases you wont notice much differences with hyperthreading enabled. A few specific optimized cases go faster with hyperthreading, but there's also a few cases where things actually can go SLOWER with hyperthreading due to one thread killing the L1 or L2 onchip cache used by the other.


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